Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Talented local based musician Kigozi George William Aka ‪#‎Geosteady‬ who doubles as a writer and artist has been finally signed by ‪#‎Richmondpromz‬. The Rnb Mbuuza artist was seen last week in the hide out at Serena hotel with the General manager of Richmondz promz the celebrated local based international promoter Mary Ingabire based in UK who was in the country for the all of last week to collect her award at the ‪#‎UEA‬ awards and also create more business space with the local music line discussing about the deal and more in which he met more other artists that included the ‪#‎RonaldMayinja‬, ‪#‎CatherineKusasira‬, ‪#‎SteciaMayanja‬, ‪#‎Ssemakula‬ of Golden#production, #GeoSteady, ‪#‎GravityOmutujju, ‪#‎Maro‬, ‪#‎SpiceDiana‬, etc. And their Managers.
The Mbuuza artist has been the first ever artist to be signed by Richmond Promz in Uganda as they begin up their set goal of promoting the local faces internationally but this doesn't mean he is out of big talent.
Geo steady has been known with lots of songs which include the likes of ‪#‎Viola‬, ‪#‎Mbuuza‬, ‪#‎African‬ girl, ‪#‎Ntunulira‬ ,‪#‎She‬ wants me, ‪#‎Bazinanga‬ batya, ‪#‎Apaana‬ ft Don Mc , #Mbuuza question Remix ft Eddy Kenzo, ‪#‎Sente‬, ‪#‎imagine‬, ‪#‎Omufeere‬ etc.
So for more information, bookings and international performances will be set by the company and more artist to be signed by the same artist after their international promoters failing to act positively

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